How do I filter jobs on a page?

This article will explain how to update the latest jobs module to filter jobs by keyword, category or location.

Video: (Keyword and Location Filtering) 
  1. Open Latest Jobs module settings.
  2. Click the Filters tab
  3. Add the keyword in the keyword field.
  4. Add the location by typing the location in the location field.
  5. Select your location from the dropdown menu.
  6. Save your settings


Video: (Category and Sub Category Filters)

  1. Open Latest Jobs module settings.
  2. Click the Filters tab
  3. Select on the classification you want to filter by. To filter by multiple classifications you can use Ctrl + Click (Win) Command + Click (Mac); or Shift + Click.
  4. To filter by Sub Classifications Enable the Subclassifications Filter.
  5. Select the Classification from the dropdown.
  6. Select the Sub Classification from the list. To filter by multiple classifications you can use Ctrl + Click (Win); Command + Click (Mac); or Shift + Click.
  7. Save your settings