This article will provide step-by-step instructions on how to post a job on your website using the Applyflow Portal.
Note: To post a job, you need to have the correct permission levels set on your account. If this option is not available to you, please coordinate with your system admin to make sure you have the right permission levels.
1. Log in to the Applyflow Portal. Then select the ‘Jobs’ icon from the menu bar on the left side of your screen.
2. Click ‘Post a new job’.
3. Enter the basic job details, and click the ‘Save & continue’ button to progress.
Note: There are mandatory fields that need to be filled out. You will not move past this point if you do not fill out all the mandatory fields.
4. Set your application preferences. Will the job application happen on your site? Or is it through an external link?
4.a. Add the email addresses of anyone who should be notified of the job application. Click the ‘Next’ button to move forward.
4.b. Set your screening questions (you will only have this option if screening questions are set up on your account).
4.c. Click 'Save & continue'.
5. Set your posting options. Toggle if you want to share your jobs on Seek, Facebook, or Twitter (you will only see these options if these items have been set up).
5.a. Set the start date and expiry date of the job posting, then press the ’Next’ button.
5.b. Click 'Finish & post job'.
6. Set any additional details to improve candidate matching.
6.a. Click 'Save updates'.
Note: This section is optional. If you choose to skip this, just click the ‘Skip’ button on the top right of the screen. Otherwise, fill out all the details and click the ‘Save updates’ button.