How Do I Update the Social Share (Open Graph) Image for My Website?

This article will guide you through the process of adding an OG (Open Graph) image to your website.

When you share content to social networks, they fetch your OG image. The OG image is a separate image from your site logo. It is important to create this image in a way that meets the criteria set by social networks when it’s loaded. 

Follow these steps to access and configure this image.

1. Click 'SEO'.


2. Click 'Social Networks'.


3. Go to the 'Facebook (Open Graph)' tab.


4. Go to the 'Twitter (Twitter card)' tab.


For Facebook, the image should have a minimum size of 200x200px and an ideal ratio of 1.91:1. The maximum file size allowed is 8Mb. If you're using a retina screen, the recommended dimensions are 1640x856px or 3280x1712px.

For Twitter, the image should have a minimum size of 144x144px (or 300x157px with large card enabled). The ideal ratio for Twitter is 1:1 (or 2:1 with large card). The maximum file size allowed is 5Mb.

By following these guidelines and creating an appropriate OG image, you can ensure that your website is visually represented in the best possible way when shared on social media platforms.