How to add consultants in applyflow

This article outlines how to add consultant(s), add consultant details, select consultant during job posting pricess.

To utilize the Applyflow portal for consultant management, initiate the process by logging in and accessing the consultant tab located on the left-hand side of the interface.

Upon selecting the tab, a display of previously added consultants will appear. Navigate to the top right-hand side and click on "Add New Consultant." Proceed to complete the required fields, which will be subsequently featured in the job posting.

After entering the required fields, Submit. 

Job Posting via applyflow: 

When posting a job through Applyflow, select the desired consultant from the consultant field to associate specific details with the job posting. This action will integrate all relevant consultant information into the footer of the job on the website.

Posting job via ATS: 

For the purpose of compiling information, it is essential to perform field mapping to gather data such as Consultant Name and Consultant Email. Once the mapping process is completed, we cross-reference the Name and Email with the consultant records in the consultant tab to subsequently publish this information on the website.